food and beverage underground

Christopher Hicks Welcomes You
To Colorado Springs!

Christopher Hicks, Colorado Springs, food and beverage, Colorado Springs restaurants

Hello! My name is Christopher Hicks and as the newest Food and Beverage Insider, I’ll be helping to guide you through the Food and Beverage industry in Colorado Springs,
Colorado. I have a strong passion, not only for the city in which I live, but for the variety and quality of cuisine that can be found here.

As a fourth generation bartender and cook, I take my job very seriously. I’m constantly reading and doing research on the latest techniques employed behind the bar and in the kitchen. I work, not to keep up with contemporary standards, but to surpass and improve upon them. In my seventeen years in the industry, I’ve worked in a variety of positions in an attempt to learn and become proficient in as many different facets of the business as possible. I have worked as a dishwasher, prep cook, banquet captain, bar manager, valet, bartender, pantry cook, a la carte server, line cook, floor manager, bar chef, sommelier, saucier, and maitre d’hotel to name a few.

I look forward to providing a resource where people can come and learn what the Colorado Springs food and beverage community has to offer. On this page I’ll provide restaurant reviews, profiles of local service industry people, news on upcoming events, and information on where to find the hottest cocktails, and best meals. I welcome your comments and will answer any questions you may have.

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What Other Visitors Have Said

Click below to see contributions from other visitors to this page...

The Famous: A Steak House 
I love cow. I am not ashamed. My love for cow goes back as far as I can remember, and I express my love of cow as often as possible through the …

Hondos: Not just another sports bar Not rated yet
The thing about boats is that no matter what kind of crew it has, the Captain has to steer it true, or the boats ultimately lost...sometimes doomed. Hondos …

Mackenzie’s Chophouse Not rated yet
Class. Class used to mean something. Class as a concept used to be respected. These days it rarely exists in our dining establishments in its pure form. …

Cocktail Trends for 2008 Not rated yet
The busy season is finally here and it is up to us, the cocktail professionals, to once again come up with a bevy of refreshing libations to please …

Bourbon Tasting!!!!! Not rated yet
That's right ladies and gentlemen, Colorado Springs is to host a very special Bourbon tasting to really put a kick in your holiday season. Local spirits …

Colorado Springs Bartenders (I) Not rated yet
There is no single definitive quality that determines whether an individual is, or isn’t, a good bartender. It is a myriad combination of social, and …

The Warehouse of Colorado Springs Not rated yet
The Warehouse 25 W Cimarron St Colorado Springs, CO 719.475.8880 The Food and Beverage (F&B) industry, to put it delicately, can be very unkind. …

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Christopher's Reviews

Mackenzie’s Chophouse

Cocktail Trends For 2008

The Famous: A Steak House

Bourbon Tasting!!!!!

The Warehouse

Colorado Springs Bartenders (I)

food and beverage undergroundfood and beverage undergroundfood and beverage underground

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