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Calories in red wine may differ according to the proportion of intake. Most of us enjoy drinking alcohol based drinks during celebrations and other events. However, at the same time most people also do not want to hinder their diet plan by taking excess amount of calories. It is known that alcoholic drinks carries significant amount of calories that may add to your weight and make you look fatter. Hence, if you are fond of alcoholic drinks and consume it on regular basis then you should also do considerable amount of workout to control your obesity. However, on the other hand it is also considered that drinking wine can also be beneficial if taken in adequate amount.
To your knowledge an alcoholic drink may generally contain 7 calories per gram following fats which contains about 9 calories per gram. In red wine, there would be around 25 calories in one fluid ounce which makes around 100 calories in an average glass of red wine of 4 fl ounce. To your interest calories found in red wines are usually low glycemic which means that it does not have too much effect on blood sugar level as compared to most other foods and sweeter wine. Low glycemic red wines make your body retain the existing sugar and prevent spike hormone which may add to your weight. On the other hand a sweeter wine may release sugar present in it, rapidly into your bloodstream.
More Than Just Calories in Red Wine
Another benefit of drinking red wine is that it can control aging as it is considered as an anti-aging product. Red wine contains revitol which are generally found in skin of red fruits. Red grapes which are used for producing wine also contain this beneficial property which is passed on to the manufactured wine. Revitol contains sirtuins that increases the performance of longevity genes. It provides energy to cells that enable them to get repaired on their own. It also controls that development of unusual and abnormal cells. With all these properties present in red wine it becomes a useful alcoholic drink.
Though red wine is considered to be beneficial for body, it may start having adverse effects when it is consumed in access for several days. Consuming wine in adequate amount is essential; you should not take over dose of wine. It is believed that a red wine containing 5 mg resveratrol per liter should be taken in proportion of 250 ml on daily basis. Excluding this dose on daily basis can have adverse effects on your body. You should make sure that you have a moderate drinking habit as it is believed that everything in moderate quantity is good.
If you perceive that red wine can increase your calories, then it is best to keep a track of your weight while you drink red wine on daily basis. It is obvious that when you consume red wine in appropriate quantity it will have any influence on your weight. It should be known that the benefits of red wine are greater than its adversities that overshadow existing calories in red wine.

Basic Wine Information
Types of White Wine
Types of Red Wine
Noble Grapes
Tasting Wine
Proper Wine Service
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