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Whether you smoke cigars or not knowledge is power. Knowing about cigars will no doubt help you in your professional career, so learn all you can. If you enjoy a good cigar then even better, now you can find out exactly why you love a good smoke!
Start with the cigar primer and then continue through the other articles. If you want to try a good cigar, or want to get some cigar accessories check out your local smoke shop, or click on one of our sponsor online shops. We have specially selected these for their quality selections and low prices.

Premium Cigars
Shapes and Sizes
Grading a Cigar
Cigar Bars
A Great Cigar?
Lighting a Cigar
Cigar Smoking Ettiquette
Cigar Gifts/Acessories
| In the Kitchen | At the Bar | Waiter's World | Owner's Issues | Manger's Office | Wine Cellar | Cigars | Coffee/Tea |