Confrerie de la Chaîne des Rôtisseurs
by Chef Sockrider
(New Orleans)
Today, the society has members in more than 70 countries around the world. In the U.S., there are nearly 150 bailliages (English "bailiwick") headed by a bailli ("bailiff") and other officers who plan the individual chapter's activities. The U.S. society is governed by a national Board of Directors and a National Council which, in general, follow the programs and policies set forth by the international society headquartered in Paris.
My first experience with The Chaine was in September of 1992 when I was approached by the Bailli of Sun valley, Idaho. Usually the events were one evening in a single restaurant. Not this time, they wanted a progressive event, that would span over two states and two days and they wanted it to be held in the members’ homes. The first course was held in Laguna Niguel, California, a variety of Amuse Guelle and then a Chilled Organic Peach Soup. After the food was served, my Brigade and I were whisked off to the airport to Santa Barbara to prepare the soup course, Flageolet and Mussel Pistou. The guests arrived 1 hour later. The next stop was Sun Valley, Idaho where we created a salad of Frisee, Pork Lardons and a warm poached egg. Next stop, Malibu where we roasted a beautiful loin of Elk and served it with mini vegetables, gratineed potatoes on a Steel Pinot Noir sauce. The dessert, a fresh and dried fruit pate with a raspberry coulis and several friandises were served back in Laguna Niguel.
This event started at 12 noon and ended about 4 A.M. It was made possible by two member’s private jets.
I am now a Chef Rotisseur and my wife a Maitre de Table Hotelier with The New Orleans Bailliage. Although we do not have dinners of this magnitude very often, It is a very rewarding experience as we get to go to at least 4 dinners a year in New Orleans finest restaurants. The Chaine is a wonderful way to meet new people in your area. If you’re in New Orleans their website is or if you are anywhere else you can check it out at
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