food and beverage underground

The Perfect Culinary Gift

When looking for culinary gifts for that kitchen driven person on your list there is a multitude of possibilities. From knives to ice cream makers the possibilities for gadgets is extensive. What we have focused on here is items that the culinary lover can use on a personal level more than those to be used in the restaurant. When looking for these gifts we also kept in mind that most culinary professionals have a good inventory of gadgets at home so we were looking for items that duplication issues shouldn’t be a problem. We also kept the budget in mind with all of the gifts in the $50-$150 price range and we have searched the internet to find you the best pricing (iGourmet, Metro Kitchen, Kitchen Aid, KlinQ and a few others).

Private Label Wine

Other Fun Items

If gadgets don’t fit the bill then look at something special that will tempt the taste buds. What chef wouldn’t appreciate a culinary gift that tastes great. Every chef loves to try new things and experience the best of the best so these items will be sure to raise a smile.

Another great culinary gift would be one of the many kitchen books on the market today. Check out the bookstore to see our top 20.

From Culinary Gift to Wine Gifts

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