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Hickory Creek Vineyards

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Hickory Creek Vineyards creates world class wines from grapes grown on Michigan's eastern shore. Michael de Schaaf, David Leslie and Gottfried Hart, are the vineyard owners and bring their own unique perspectives of their respective wine-growing nations: America, Australia, and Germany.

Wines Produced

Riesling Estate Riesling
Gewürztraminer Cabernet
Franc – Rose Chardonnay
Apple Wine Pinot Noir


Take I-94 exit 12 in Michigan. At the end of the ramp, proceed west to Red Arrow Highway, then a right to Browntown Road which is one block north.

Head east on Browntown Road for about 6 miles. You are going to cross Califonia Road and then Cleveland Avenue. When you see Gardner Road, we are just around the curve on the right hand side - the big red barn on the hill. Our sign is right at the end of our driveway.

750 Browntown Road
Buchanan, MI 49101
Phone: +1-269-422-1100
Fax: +1-269-473-2089

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