food and beverage underground

Oktoberfest in Mainstrasse - Greek to Me

Well we all survived the big Labor Day/Fireworks weekend! And now the fall festivities begin. September 5 marks the beginning of Oktoberfest in the Mainstrasse Village, Covington. Hard to believe but I guess fall is right around the corner. This serves as a great opportunity for residents of the entire Cincinnati metro area to get either acquainted with or re-aquainted with the great atmosphere of Mainstrasse village, sample the great German staples of the festival as well as see all of the great established and newbies of Mainstrasse. My next stop to tell everyone about will be Bouquet. I am hearing some great things about it and want to check it out myself.

And one more thing....this does'nt fit into the "fine dining" grouping...or does it....well the place I want to let everyone know about does not fit into the type of buzz I usually report on, but it is fantastic nonetheless. If you have not tried out "Greek to Me" at the point (Pike and 7th)then you must treat yourself. They are open at lunch only, but great authentic greek and great gyros - of course!! Great staff. Please do yourself a favor and check it out! Until next time....

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