food and beverage underground

A Sample Restaurant General Manager Resume Template

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To obtain a position in a high volume fine dining restaurant where I can utilize the vast experience I have gathered through my years of experience in the business. I love the business and am looking for a new challenge in the industry.

Professional Experience

Restaurant General Manager – Harold’s Restaurant at 234 Len Street Akron, Ohio. Opened the restaurant February 10, 1999, as what was proposed to be a new concept restaurant, American Tapas. Although the concept is certainly not new today it was one of the first to expose it here in the States. The restaurant was very successful doing around $3 million a year. I ran all aspects of the business until three months ago when I resigned to take care of family issues. Immediate Supervisor – Kim Halk (owner) Tel#

October 1996 – November 1998 Restaurant General Manager – Hatfield’s Landing 17 Avendale Ln. Blvd., Akron, Ohio. Hired to open and operate the 250-seat restaurant with annual volume of $4 million a year. Was in charge of all aspects of the business including staffing, training, product control, p&l control, inventory, budgeting, ordering, and product development. Created new policies and procedures that was implemented at all of the 12 locations. Immediate supervisor- Pat Jones (Corporate Director). Tel#

May 1993 – July 1996 Restaurant Manager – Mag Restaurant 171 Tryon Street, Akron, Ohio. Responsibilities included overall management of the 5 star award winning $5 million a year restaurant. Controlled staffing and training, inventory control, and complete guest satisfaction program. Immediate supervisor – Tom Pankel (owner) Tel#


Degrees in both Business and Economics with minors in Computer Science and Chemistry. Michigan State University 1991. President of the Finance Club as well as President of Omicron Delta Epsilon (The Economics Honor Society.)

Other Interests: I enjoy all kinds of outdoor sports. I love to travel and explore interesting people and places. I also enjoy computers. I love all kinds of challenges and am very competitive with a strong sense of building lasting projects.

References: Available upon request

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