food and beverage underground

Starting a Restaurant Newsletter Can Increase Your Business Dramatically

Starting a restaurant newsletter program is a cost effective way to create a solid base of loyal customers. More
more your competitors are utilizing the power of the internet to not only put up information and draw new customers via their web sites, but savvy restaurateurs are creating monthly newsletters to strengthen their base.

Information you would like to collect is their full name, mailing address, phone number, e-mail address, birthdays and anniversary. It is nice to have these special dates to put in your database so you can offer a special occasion offering such as a dessert on their birthday.

Once you start collecting in house keep it going until you feel you have a good base to build from. You should also include a page on your web site to collect the same information from interested online guests.

To build your actual newsletter I advise to break it down into sections that can be ongoing columns. For instance a monthly recipe, a wine spotlight and drink special sections are easy to change every month. After you have your regular sections selected work in selling points and features like special events, any awards accolades or press, wine tastings or dinner specials. Make sure you highlight menu items prominently. Keep in mind seasonal adjustments as well (highlight lighter foods and white wines during the summer months and heavier foods and red wines in the winter months).

I suggest that you get involved with a newsletter marketing group such as ( ) which does wonders in getting you started and building an effective newsletter campaign that will keep your guests coming back and your base growing.

Your restaurant newsletter does not have to be lengthy, but it is intended to inform your base that you are there, that you are growing, and that you care about their patronage.

From Restaurant Newsletter to Using Your Staff to Promote

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