Food and Beverage Today | September/October 2009

Chef Chris Lee and Jacksonville Restaurants in Food and Beverage Today
The Insider's Guide to the Business Side of Food and Wine

jacksonville restaurants and reviews and chef chris lee in food and beverage today

Table of Contents

Food and Beverage Today, Chris Lee, restaurant business

Go Behind the Scenes with Food and Beverage Today

Find insider news, helpful restaurant marketing intelligence, career strategies and business tactics, and of course interviews with master chefs like Chris Lee, Cat Cora, Charlie Trotter and more in Food and Beverage Today.

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Feature Stories

portland restaurants, food and beverage news

Also in this Issue

Food and Beverage Today serves the restaurant business, culinary, f&b and hospitality industries. Spanning topics such as restaurant marketing and publicity to career advancement for chefs and culinary scool insider reports, each issue focuses on the business side of food and wine. We hope you enjoy this issue and find it to be both entertaining and helpful to you as a food and beverage professional. We're here for you so drop us a line and let us know how we're doing.

chef profiles, restaurant reviews, rising stars, ones's to watch
food and beverage magazine, jacksonville restaurants, chef chris lee

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