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Summertime Brews for the
Sweltering Heat of Summer

Seasonal beers have had many brewers experimenting with wild new recipes to come up with their summertime brews, while others use classic beer styles. During the summer, beer drinkers should seek these bold flavored seasonals from Anchor Steam, Sierra Nevada, Harpoon, Leinenkugel, Magic Hat, and don't forget to support your local brewery for their options as well.

Harpoon beer, Harpoon, Beer, Brewery

Harpoon Summer Beer; 5% (alcohol by volume)

A classic refreshing German kolsch beer style from Boston’s Harpoon brewery. Very pale, almost golden colored, yeasty, and crisp that goes down smoothly. This summer brew has a delicate balance between a Bavarian wheat with its hints of clove and banana, and the malt, biscuit character from the Deutsch lager style. This light malty beer would goes great with spicier dishes.

Leinenkugel’s Summer Shandy, Beer, Summertime brews

Leinenkugel's Summer Shandy; 4.2%

This is a light fizzy style of beer from Jacob Leinenkugel Brewing company in Wisconsin. A mix between a fruit (lambic) and a wheat beer is a knockoff on the shandygaff, a wheat or lager mixed with lemonade or lemon soda. It has a cloudy, pale color and a citrusy aroma similar to a Belgian white. Great for those who don't necessarily like the taste of beer.

Hocus Pocus; 4.5%

This Vermont beer from Magic Hat is a time honored recipe that has a hop and malt flavor. Hocus Pocus is refreshing, medium bodied beer with a slight citrus flavor. This one definitely fits in the summer brews.

Sierra Nevada Summerfest, beer, brewery

Sierra Nevada Summerfest; 5%

Summerfest has made a hopped lager known as a pilsner style ale. This brew lacks the fruit flavors, and herbs making this a rich clean American summer. As with all of Sierra's beers; has added generous amounts of the signature Northwestern American hops. Great with a cheeseburger or a seafood feast.

Anchor Summer; 4.6%

Anchor Steam hailing out of San Francisco, has made this deep golden American Wheat style beer. This summer is brewed with half Malted wheat, and half barley in its recipe. The blend gives it a sweet bread like character, with a tart and dry finish. This brew is not as heavy as their typical hearty malt character that has made them famous. This big beer would stand up to most foods, as well as a great beer after cutting the grass.

So go ahead, get that bottle opener and beat the heat with one of these special summertime brews!

From Summertime Brews to Ale

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